Suhana Safar With Annu Kapoor

The host of Big FM's 'Suhaana Safar with Annu Kapoor' has brought in yet another accolade for the most awarded and popular show on radio today by virtue of receiving the Dadasaheb Phalke Excellence Award
Winner of Golden Mike Award
Suhaana Safar with Annu Kapoor launched amidst much
fanfare on 24th June, 2013 and has resonated excellently
with audiences, creating a strong connect in the minds of
listeners. It gives listeners an opportunity to listen to music
from the Golden Era of Indian film music - between 1955
and 1985. Hosted by the affable Annu Kapoor, the show
enables listeners to relive the golden era year-by-year while
taking them on an exhilarating journey where the actor
narrates behind-the-scene incidents, interesting facts and
trivia about movies and plays the top 12 songs of a
particular year. While songs from the era are etched in
listeners’ minds, the stories behind these glorious melodies
are relatively unknown. The romantic, melodious, lyrically
charming, meticulously orchestrated and harmoniously sung
songs of the golden-era are a treat to the senses and
epitomize Hindi film music’s finest period.
The 92.7 BIG FM states that - “Our most recently
launched show Suhaana Safar with Annu Kapoor has
reverberated excellently with audiences and has received an
overwhelming response making us No. 1 in the time slot.
Our programming has always been designed to meet
audience preferences, and with this format of show coupled
with Annu Kapoor as host, there couldn’t be a better
offering. The TSL (time spent listening) highlights the
stickiness of the show and I commend the entire team for
bringing together this exceptional aural experience on 92.7